
QPST Tool versi 2.7.399
QPST Tool versi 2.7.399

QPST Tool versi 2.7.399

Extract QPST-2.7.399.rar and run SETUP.EXE.

QPST Tool versi 2.7.399

Code:, 10:00 #12 () umesh gaba Product Manager Join Date: Aug 2012 Location: jalandhar,india Posts: 4,034 Member: 1792140 Status: Online Sonork: 1 gaba Thanks Meter: 4,644 QPST 2.7 build 399QPST-2.7.399 BP Firmware BPJBFirmware drivers ICSpcdrivers drivers JBpcdrivers Install QPST 1. #usage./mkappsboot.py u-boot.bin appsboot.mbn import sys import struct # read the bin file bin = open(sys.argv1, 'rb') loader = bin.read bin.close # construct the mbn header size = len(loader) base = int(sys.argv3,16) header = struct.pack('10I', 0x00000005, # appsbl 0x00000003, # part version 0x00000000, base, size, size, base + size, 0x00000000, base + size, 0x00000000, ) # write the mbn file with the header and code mbn = open(sys.argv2, 'wb+') mbn.seek(0) mbn.truncate mbn.write(header) mbn.write(loader) mbn.close. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA #, USA. NOW it will display this on your phone Start flashing Rom!!! Unzip WH62406270ML01Ver1008 and open WH62406270ML01.exe,Password: Huawei 2. If pops up TO format the disk, CLICK CANCEL!!!!!!! 7.Press and hold 'vol -' then also press and hold Power button and connect the phone to the computer, now the device manager will display WP8 UEFI USB SimpleI/O Port. 6.Wait for it to complete, disconnect your phone. 2.Click StartAll ApplicationQPSTQPST Configuration CLICK as below 3.StartAll ApplicationQPSTeMMC Software Download,Click “Load Build Contents” Select contents.xml in unrared W1-U00(C00)Repair bootloader.rar,Check 'Program Boot Loaders',UnCheck 'Program MMC device', Click Download 4.After complete, the port will change into Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9006 5.Then Check Program boot loaders,Check Program MMC device,Select Qualcomm MMC port,Click Download again. ②COM Port Changes in device manager from:Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008→Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9006→WP8 UFEI USB Simple I/O(UFEI USB Simple Windows Phone I/O Protocol) 1.Enter Qualcomm emergency mode: Stay power off,Use Line or metal connect these test point together as below: Then connect the phone to computer via USB and keep connecting the two test point until Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 appears in device manager-COM ,IF there is a question mark ,please manually install from qcomusbdriver folder.

QPST Tool versi 2.7.399